Peter Stafford Wilson brings a unique versatility to his craft, being adept in symphonic, ballet, and education situations. Concurrently, he holds the post of Music Director of the Springfield (OH) and Westerville symphonies, and was named Principal Conductor of Tulsa Ballet in 2012 where he served for 10 seasons. A native of North Carolina, Peter Stafford Wilson studied at the University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music, where his primary mentor was Thomas Schippers. Since then he has shared his talents with orchestras, opera and ballet companies throughout the world.
Nutcracker with the Kansas City Ballet
December 6 and 12 at 10:30am December 7,8,15,20,23 at 2pm December 14,19,21,22 at 7:30pm
Kansas City, MO 64108 United States
Springfield Symphony Night Lights 1
Look to the future! A side-by-side performance with the Springfield Symphony Youth Symphony and youth choruses and featuring Instagram influencer,...
Springfield, OH 45506 United States
Westerville Symphony The Planets
Gustav Holst The Planets featuring video choreography by Adrian Wyard
Westerville, OH 43081 United States